International Sleep Awareness Week – Are you taking enough care of your needs?
How many times did you wake up in the morning, but the feeling you had was quite the opposite, and you wanted just to lay down in bed without step one toe on the floor?
I catch myself doing that sometimes, especially when days are very tough and overwhelming, or when I overthink too much.
In some moments I spend all my energies trying to do something, but practically I don’t get much done, and I don’t feel productive at all.
Here comes the necessity to stay in bed in the morning instead of getting the motivation to get up and kick the day.
I have always worked on myself to acknowledge new things, and I have made such significant efforts to be where I’m today.
Of course, I’m still doing that, and I will always do it. But among the things I have learned during my journey, there is one huge belief that changed and defined my life for goods. I started to be aware of this new concept since I began to walk in the coaching world when I was guided and led by amazing people who inspired me so much. This philosophy that had such a positive impact on myself is: learning how to reframe situations, thoughts and the feelings I may have.
What if.
Specifically, during the International Sleep Awareness Week, I just wanted to point out that is all good if you’re going to stay in bed! What if we need to slow down sometimes and take a break? For instance, this is the perfect example where I reframe the condition and my beliefs.
Once upon a time.
Back in the days, I would have pushed myself to the exhaustion. I would have considered myself lazy and unproductive if I didn’t jump out of my bed. We all tend to run and rush through our days to the point that when we stop and have nothing more to do we experience a sense of anxiety, depression, or our nervous system breaks down.
Our mind wants to keep going, but our body tells us something else.
Pause for a moment, and reframe the situation.
The intelligent inner system that we all have is working for us and is communicating something essential.
Listening to our body is necessary. We tend to control everything, but slowing down and go with the flow most of the time is the right thing to do. We need to let things going.
When I experience a hard time in life, I see that my body system is building awareness around me. Do I listen to it? Not quickly enough. And it’s when things get worse.
By listening to our body language, we do ourselves a huge favor. Why? We are getting permission to take a break and rest. Always think positive! By taking a break, we are creating an opportunity for our system to re-balance and re-set. Rest when you can, you don’t have to be productive all the time, you don’t have to become exhausted every day.
Use the same love that you have for your best friend, mom, or a family member, toward yourself. You deserve it! Would you ever treat them bad? Create this opportunity to relax, and even sleep. No judgment here, just freedom. Give yourself the grace to feel what your inner wisdom is telling you, and do what you need to.
Be aware of your sensations, create a space on your routine where you free your mind and rest.
In Good Health
With Love
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